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    2019 SCISAC Volleyball Tournament


    28 Feb, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Over Feb 21 to 24, YCIS Chongqing hosted one of the most exciting sports tournament over the year: 2019 SCISAC Volleyball Tournament! The tournament comprised of five other international schools from Southern China, Xiamen International School (XIS), Hong Kong Academy (HKA), The International School of Macau (TIS), Ivy Collegiate Academy in Taiwan (ICA) and Nanjing International school (NIS) with players from all over the world competing.

      Played over three days, the games were intense and points were fought hard for. We saw some great skills from these players, who are all under 15 years old.

      Both YCIS teams played with heart and competed strongly. Our girls team narrowly missed out on playing in the finals, and finished in a very commendable fourth position. Our boys team finished third place, winning a close playoff for third and fourth. Both coaches are extremely proud of these players who showed grit, fair play and a high level of skills over the tournament. Eventual winners from the competition were:

      • Boys:
      • 1st: HKA=Hong Kong Academy
      • 2nd: XIS= Xiamen
      • 3rd: YCIS=YCIS Chongqing


      • 1st: XIS= Xiamen
      • 2nd: HKA=Hong Kong Academy
      • 3rd: TIS=Macau

      We look forward to competing again at the next tournament!