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    Anti-Bullying Week


    19 Nov, 2018

    10 : 00

    • This week YCIS Chongqing students have been engaged in activities to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week. Research shows that bullying is a behavior choice and as such we felt it vitally important to support our students in making the right choices.

      This years theme ‘Choose Respect’ and the subsequent activities raised awareness of the impact of bullying and was used to promote ways in which our students could learn about how to respect themselves, their peers, teachers, their parents and wider society.

      The week-long celebration started on November 12th with an assembly to launch the event and Odd Socks Day which highlighted ways in which everyone is different.

      Our students engaged in various cross-curricular activities daily, from writing poems about bullying to producing artwork, making anti-bullying posters, learning about cyber-bullying, engaging in debates on how best to stop bullying, to producing an anti-bullying rap video.

      Our Anti-Bullying Campaign culminated in a whole school assembly on Friday 16th which enabled our students to come together to share their experiences of the week and celebrate the ways in which they demonstrated how they chose ‘respect’.